
Featured Fiction

Ginny & the Ouroboros

Hear Me Roar

The Witch & the Gods' War

Abyss & Apex

Book cover of a girl staring into space with futuristic scenery on her left and fantasy scenery on her right.

The Skin Script

1st and Starlight

Ginny & the Ouroboros

"A young girl and her troubled sister find a dragon egg. This was both uplifting and heartbreaking, and definitely one of my favourites of the collection."

Kahlia @ Goodreads


"A great story, and set in a difficult-to-understand land of Druma. This really brought the country and its politics to life for me, as well as having great characters and action!"

Matthew @ Goodreads

Short Stories

Book cover for Crimson Pact Volume 3 of a red gargoyle.
A Contract Between Thieves
The Crimson Pact, Volume 3

Cover for Urban Fantasy magazine with woman staring at dark castle
Ginny & the Ouroboros

Urban Fantasy Magazine

Writers of the Future Finalist
Cover for Penumbra magazine with Japanese elements.
The Cicadas of Okinawa

Penumbra Magazine
Tangent Online's Recommended Reads
Cover for Niteblade with illustrated ravens.
The Cicadas of Okinawa

Niteblade (reprinted)

Pushcart Prize Nominated
Cover for podcast episode of a fluffy dog's face.
The Witch & the Gods' War

Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast (audio)

A Contract Between Thieves

"This was easily my second favorite of the anthology. Feni agrees to help Raf, a long-time acquaintance, complete a contract after a game of cards. The result is a romp through an alchemist’s laboratory that neither of them will forget and one of them may not survive. Though it started a bit slow, there was a great sense of character and place and adventure in this one that was missing from so many of the other stories in the anthology. This story, placed near the end of the anthology, totally saved the day for me. Stephanie: You rock. I want more."

Dan @ Elitiest Book Reviews

The Cicadas of Okinawa

"This story was unsettling, but I enjoyed it. I thought the atmosphere was well-created, inescapable war and heat and death juxtaposed with beautiful descriptions of the cicadas."

Stevie @ Tangent Online

To Kill a Thief

"Steph, you knock my socks off. I loved this conclusion to Loree's story from The Crimson Pact Volume Three. Her fantasy world is amazing, with a cool magic system, and memorable nuanced characters--reminds me of Jimmy the Hand from Raymond Feist's Silverthorn in the Riftwar series and Vin from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn. I am not the only reader who's said she would love to see Stephanie write a novel series about this female thief! I was so glad to see these characters make an appearance in Patrick Tracy's "Sealed with Fire" at the end of the book--more on that epic story shortly."

Karen @ Goodreads

The Woman on the Bench

Penumbra Magazine
Book cover of QuickFic Volume 3 with gears and fantasy elements.

The Woman on the Bench

Digital Fiction Publishing
The Old Ones are Coming

The Drabbler #20
Wizard's Cube

The Drabbler #21

Monsters Among Us

Pathfinder Journal: Paizo Inc (serial)

Monsters Among Us

"Absolutely amazing, the inter character conceits could apply to any genre. Love this author so much."

Matthew @ Goodreads

Other Publishing Credits

Dr. Frankenmuth7×20 Magazine
Three WintersApollo’s Lyre
The Conversation Piecejoyful!
Zombie Robottrapeze magazine